Siège social de Skoda
Clinique BHT Istanbul Tema
Bibliothèque Centrale de l`Université Artvin Çoruh
Aéroport Ercan de Nicosie, Chypre du Nord
Salle de Conférences du Turkménistan
Projets de Salle de Conférence
Salle de Conférences du Turkménistan
Projets de Salle de Conférence
In Conference Hall projects, firstly, the furniture selection to be used and the conference hall concept to be created are determined. While designing the furniture, many factors such as the comfort of the audience, conference hall employees, speakers, and managers should be taken into consideration. A design that will increase the working efficiency and motivation of employees, speakers and managers should be put forward.
Hôtel ART Amsterdam
Bibliothèque Mobile de la Mairie de Kepez
Hôtel Victory Istanbul